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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

2014: The Year of Records Storage & Management

As 2014 is upon us, I would like to take a minute and think back on the somewhat crazy year that was 2013. While a number of good things happened throughout the course of the year, that’s not what sticks in my head. Maybe it’s because our duties are helping businesses keep their information safe through offsite records storage, but what flashes through my mind when I think about 2013 are fires, earthquakes and floods, all the kinds of things that can stop a business in its tracks.

Between hurricanes like Sandy, huge fires out west, powerful tornadoes and fierce spring storms, the past year was a banner one for disasters, and that means that 2014 and the upcoming years are the perfect time for businesses and organizations to take a good, hard look at their physical records and decide what they can live without. For most companies, the answer is none of it, and thus begins the road that will inevitably lead them to offsite records storage.

Records management is often a forgotten aspect of business, particularly in small and midsize businesses, which nobody seems to think about until something goes wrong. This thought process invariably leads to significant issues, as many of the important pieces of paper get buried under boxes in some random storage closet where it could take days to find them when they are finally needed. Or even worse, the records get left in some completely unsecure location where they get damaged or stolen.
This may all seem like a minor crisis from the outside, but jobs can be put on the line when some of these important documents go missing. There have been many studies that have investigated what happened to businesses after suffering a major loss of business data. These surveys found that 43 percent of those businesses were impacted immediately; 51 percent were closed within two years and only 6 percent remained after that point.

That’s what makes offsite records storage such a promising endeavor. The process enables companies to entrust their documents for storage in a completely secure location, safe from issues like natural disasters, sabotage, leaky pipes and indoor fires. And by effectively classifying each document, a company will know where they are and what they relate to. Those stored records are then always available on short notice should the company ever require them, and there’s even an option for retrieval through an electronic format when time is truly of the essence.

With everything that’s happened this past year, and with the next year not looking any calmer, now is the time to stop worrying about records storage and put your trust in the professionals. A theft or natural disaster is a tough thing to manage through, but it’s a little bit easier when you know your important information is just a call or click away. Let us do the worrying for you!